Thursday, August 27, 2009

DLC review: Prince of Persia - Epilogue

So I finally got down to playing the Epilogue I bought on release day, ages ago.

First things first; I liked Prince of Persia - a lot.
Even though the prince himself got a little tiresome at points, the game was mostly light, fun exploration with a few easy to hard-ish fights dropped here and there.

When I bought the epilogue I thought "if it's more of the same, why not".

Boy, was I wrong...

What they actually did, was to take all the UN-fun parts from the original game and put them into two-three hours of painful experience that threatens to ruin my memory of the fun original game.

Instead of fun jumping and wall climbing, you're left with runs that...
  • Have too long between checkpoints

  • Are 99% of the time timed because of the wall-clinging black ooze or general all around coffuption

  • Can't sometimes be solved before dropping to your death and trying again, because there are either blind spots or "surprise" move like Elika dropping you in mid-flight without any warning

  • You'll have to fight long, BORING, IDENTICAL fights against the warrior/hunter no less than three times!
So lets add up what we got: a DLC that ruins your memory of the original game and that you'd rather have a root canal than play.

Score: 4/10.

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