Tuesday, September 29, 2009

QnD Review: Bionic Commando (Xbox 360)

Where: Zavvi.co.uk
Price: £12.95 (+1£ postage outside UK)
(Edit: now on sale at The Hut for £9.73.)

I've never been a big fan of Bionic Commando and I don't think I ever played past the first stage (even though the whole game takes 9 minutes to complete! ;) ).

This version, the first true sequel you could say, plays like your average "average shooter game with a gimmick"; you have a hero with a bionic arm, grudgingly fighting against enemies of the state who destroyed and took over a major metropolis.

What is refreshing though, is that that the jumping and swinging with the bionic arm from sign to sign, house to house is not automatic or a complete walkthrough, even on the normal difficulty. You actually have to time, target and think about where you jump and how you swing.

Shooting on the other hand is pretty easy - you just make sure the reticle (a BIIG round thing in the middle of the screen) is on an enemy and pull the trigger. Whether you hit is pretty much only governed by your distance to the target.

Why an elite soldier would be able to carry only 50 ammunition for his pistol is beyond me - maybe his next bionic upgrade should be "Bionic Pockets"?

The graphics are "OK" and on par compared to other current titles - even though the city graphics could be lifted straight from inFAMOUS or Prototype. Though don't expect anything really jaw-dropping.

Level design is pretty linear...


... though sometimes you can decide between the "low route" or "high route".

The levels aren't very big, even though...


... there's constant loading between them. (Geddit? ;P )

The game could use a few more checkpoints, as dying can set you back a bit (so going after those bonus hidden markers can make you fight the armored robots you just destroyed or the group of soldiers you killed, again).

All in all, not a great or memorable game - but definitely worth the 13 quids.

Score: 7/10

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

On the Cheap: Viking - Battle for Asgard (XBOX 360)

One of my favourite hack'n'slash games of 2008 is on sale at PA for $14,90.

I actually returned to it yesterday, and all I've got left is to spice up my weapons in the Giants' Forge and kick Hel's ass from Midgard to the Underworld.

The game is pretty lengthy, has great atmospheric graphics and has enough blood and guts to satisfy a ravenous werewolf. I sincerely hope Sega makes a sequel.

Monday, September 21, 2009

On the Cheap: King of Fighters XII (Xbox 360)

"Limited time offer" at Play-Asia, King of Fighters XII (region free Korean version) $34.90.

Are 2D beat-em-ups a thing of the past? Is nostalgia in? ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Free gaming: Dungeons & Dragons Online goes "Free"

Or should I say "Dungeons & Dragons Online Online", as most people use "DDO Online"? :P

Anyways, if you're seeking for a MMORPG hit and you're low on money or like me, you're a avid pen & paper DnD player, check DDO out.

I tried the beta in 2006, but it didn't grab me. But as it's free now, I thought "what the heck". I wasn't disappointed.

Though leveling is a bit slow (probably because of level 20 being the max, like in your average DnD campaign without Epic Levels), the game seems pretty fun - and most important to me, soloing seems OK.

Now what the "free" means; no customer support and people who pay (monthly, or at least for the one-time license like buying the Stormreach DVD version) get to cut you in log-in lines.

Fine by me, as far as they don't skimp on the content or make the paying customers "Über" (well, selling +50% experience gain potions for real money in the Turbine shop might be considered twinking someone to become über faster, but who cares).

You can create an account and download the game, here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Finally had the chance to watch Wolverine, and desipite most reviewers whining about Hugh Jackman being tired of acting Wolverine, the movie being really bad, etc I kind of liked it.

Not a *great* movie, but a "good" or an "OK" movie. Definitely something you can watch after a few beers (and a scotch or two). ;)

I'd rate it 7.5 / 10

On the Cheap:Midnight Club LA (Xbox 360 PAL & NTSC-J)

Rockstar's excellent tuner racer is on sale until next tuesday for $18.90 at Play-Asia.

Note: this is the NTSC-J version that only works on NTSC-J and PAL, *not* with NTSC-U/C 360s.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I <3 Apple?

My boss just gave me a green light to buy a iPhone 3G S as a work phone - I guess I'll be doing some iPeni... iPhone game / app reviews in the future.

$0,99 games here I come! :P

First impressions: Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice

Honest first impression: "WTF!?!?"

The game looks like it could've been a PS2 title; low res, zoomed in sprite graphics and low frame animations.

Well, at least the isometric graphics can be "freely" turned around, in 90 degree increments.

And the music, it's a whole subject in itself. Cheery J-pop blares from your speakers (or headphones, in my case, as the kids are asleep) making you wonder at the Japanese mindset while melting your brain.

The gameplay delivers what it promises, though - of that there can be no question. It's an isometric, turn-based strategy game. True to the JRPG tradition there are a million variations of different weapons and armor that vary from each other by a small (random) fraction and price.

More later, if I don't trade or sell it off first (still tons of prettier "eye-candy" games to finish off).

Where from: Zavvi.co.uk, ~£18.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Review: Batman: Arkham Asylum

I'm not a fan of the man in the cape. Sure, I've seen (all) the movies and even watched the 60's series (go Burt Ward! Funniest wall climbing ever ;) ) - I've even read a few comic books. But I'm not a Batman fan.

That might change, though - just because of this game.

The basic plot is, thankfully, simple: Joker takes control of Arkham Asylum after letting Batman take himself in. All the prisoners, big and small, easy and tough, poisonous and crazy, are let loose in the progress.

Batman is brutal in his takedowns of the criminals - but as a dark *knight*, nobody is ever killed (well, at least intentionally and directly).

Joker is another matter altogether - insane and with no regard to human life (more than a few that our friend the Batman could've saved if he'd had the guts to kill the clown).

Fights are satisfyingly full of heavy thumps and smashes, as the suitably heavy feeling criminals fly every which way. The basic idea behind the combat is simple; you have one button to hit, one button to counter-attack and one to "blind" the harder, knife wielding enemies.

Sure, you get a few combos like the throw and instant take-down along the way, but they are easy to use and a visual cue comes up when they are ready (to get them ready you need to chain your attacks and gather either 8x or 5x combos).

Graphics and sound effects range between "good" and "awesome!", while music is just "OK".

Voice acting is another thing altogether, though; it's insanely good, with Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hammil doing an incredible job as the Joker.

The game is short-ish at around 8-10 hours of main plot, but the different challenge modes ("beat down waves of thugs" or "silent takedowns") keep the playtime above "too short".

Best third person adventure / fighting game of this year thus far. Maybe contending for the best game of the year - at least in the "production values" -category.

Score: 9/10

Buy the region free versions from P-A: