Tuesday, January 4, 2011

QnD Quickie: Kane and Lynch 2 (PS3)

Price: 6.99 eur
Where: Play.com

Lets get this out of the way: the first Kane and Lynch was better, period.

It wasn't praised by the critics, but it was still an OK action gamer and even had a somewhat decent multiplayer offering with a twist (people could turn on each other mid-mission).

The second K&L game suffers from sub-par graphical outlook, which can be attributed to the "camcorder"-feel the game tries to capture. After you disable the motion sickness inducing shaky cam option, you're left with a game that could look a lot better and is deliberately made to look worse for "cam packing artifacts", etc).

But what annoys me most is the fact that enemies have somehow changed from normal humans they were in the previous game to nearly bullet-proof super humans; you can actually shoot someone in the head several times before he keels over. Sometimes an enemy may require as many as ten shots all around the body to die - and this is in the normal difficulty level.

On top of that, the controls, and especially the targetting, is way worse than in the previous game. Not to mention way below the best offerings of the genre. Even the cover system works "iffy" sometimes.

All in all; being such a cheapie at the moment I guess I shouldn't have expected anything special from a game that costs around 1 eur per point I gave it... ;)

Score: 6.5 / 10

Status update 2011

Still mostly playing LotRO (hunter now level 51, minstrel 37), with the occasional little console gaming (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood mostly, lately - a very good game, like all previous ones thus far).

Oh, and as for 2010 and non-gaming stuff; Machete and The Walking Dead rocked.

One was funny, full of satire and over the top gory violence and the other was like watching a George Romero movie that was six episodes long. One of the older, good Romero movies.