Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cheap Gaming: Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena (PS3)

First impressions:

Since it hit the bargain bins (under 25 euros at Play.com) I decided to get this since I missed the first Riddick game, Escape from Butcher Bay, on the Xbox.

The most delightful thing is the fact that the first game is included in the Dark Athena game as a remake.

The game looks OK on the PS3, aside from the horrible dithering you can clearly see in the beginning of Escape - the dust clouds surrounding the prison look like something from a Voodoo Graphics era PC gaming. I still can't understand how so many developers can plain screw up the PS3 versions of current gen console games (just look at Ghost Busters for example).

But what matters in *any* Riddick game (or movie for that matter) is the lighting - and that works. The world is shadowy and hiding places are aplenty.

So are the options for killing your foes; aside from the standard weaponry, you can sneak from behind and snap their necks, drop from above, etc. All very "Riddicky".

I'll update later, when I have the chance to check out the actual Dark Athena game.
(Whenever that is, since it's summer and playtime is scarce for this family man... ;) )

Thursday, July 2, 2009

First impressions: Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood

The PC version is beautiful, plays well, runs well (on a 8800GTS/X2 4400+) and has great voice acting.

The plot is akin to the first one, which wasn't anything super-hyper-special, but it's like playing a Eastwood western - all down to the north vs south riverbank battle with trenches, cannons and a bridge to blow up. ;)

One new addition are the secondary missions you can do between the main missions (three so far).

Seems to be a great game.